As a portrait photographer in Murfreesboro, I most often photograph families, headshots, modeling portfolios, high school seniors, Vintage pinups, “Norman Rockwell” style images, and composite images, and I love what I do. Recently, I had the opportunity to photograph Baby's First Look when my grandson was born, a whopping 8lbs 10ozs destined to carry on the family name. I helped keep an eye on his older sisters at home while Mom carried on with the important work of giving birth, and Dad supported her. At the end of the day, baby Radnor made his entrance into the world, and everyone was happily exhausted.
Bright and early the next morning, camera bag in hand, I met Dad and his daughters at the hospital. I was excited to hold him and capture the look on the girls faces when they saw him for the first time. I wasn’t disappointed. Lily was fascinated and Aria dismayed as she realized she was no longer the baby in the family.
BTW, Lily is a great big sister and huge help to Mom, Rachel, while Dad, Patrick, is at work. Aria is adapting as she figures out her brother is needy, and he isn’t going anywhere. Baby Radnor, accustomed to the squeals and laughter of his sisters while he was in the womb, sleeps peacefully no matter what’s going on. One day, I’ve no doubt, he’ll be the reason for those squeals. Big brother or little brother, boys like to pick on sisters.
If you or someone you know would like images of special moments, contact me at 615-504-4141.
I look forward to capturing memories with you!